Sanoma (F)

Sandy, front, with daughter Nugget (F)

Feather's Shadow (F)

Peyote (F)

Shasta (F)

Northern Nova (M)

Echo (F)

Rocky (M)

Shappa (M)

Mesa (F)

Little Dove (F)

Golden Nugget, Kona,
Fancy Dancer (F)

Ice Blue (F)

Shadow (F)

One of the compounds at Song Dog Kennels

Compound 2

Stream Behind Compound

Stream Behind Compound

Catch (F)

Shadow (F) with Michaela

Jay Silver Heels (M)

Katchina (F)
Retired, new family name "Ina"
living in Tacoma, Wa.
with William and Diane Walkup

Nikia (F)
Retired, living the good life
with M. Granger and AIDog Red
in Wa. State

Arrow with pups

Hopi (F)

Bull (M)

Sandy (F)
Retired, living in San Jose, CA.

Sierra (F)

Kim hiking with dogs
More Breeding Dogs on

Catch (F)

Rogue's Rowdy (M)

Shappa (M)

Kim with coming breeder
Buffalo Calf (M)

Bluebird (F)

Talon (M)

Shasta (F)

Fawn (F)

Jay Silver Heels (M)

Nova, Scout, Shappa (M)

Chawa (Left) Kona (Right) (F)

Shappa (M)

Northern Nova (M)

Ice Blue (F)

Red Rider (front)
Jay Silver Heels (back) (M)