American Indian Dog has been traced back to 30,000 years in
North & South America. Mainly the many groups of Plains
Indians in the United States developed the dogs. It was very
important to their entire culture. For thousands of years, Native
Americans used these dogs for hunting, tracking, guarding and
herding. They were also used as pack animals, and would pull
the family’s travois as they moved or migrated. They would
keep their owners warm at night, and provide wool for weaving
and trading. A thinking breed, these dogs are very instinctual
and territorially conscious. This creates an intense bonding,
shown in pack loyalty to their family. They are never vicious,
but always alert and tend to be cautious with strangers. They
are excellent home and family watchdogs, capable of adjusting
to any environment. Working versatility is one of the breed’s
exceptional qualities.
The American Indian dog is a working herding type, medium sized
and lightly built, with a natural looking muzzle, and longish
pricked ears. Their bushy tail is carried down with a slight
curve. The most important objective in preserving this ancient
breed is maintaining and improving its natural balance, primitive
instincts, and versatile working abilities, for which it was
originally developed. This truly beautiful, naturally balanced,
all-American dog was close to extinction only a few years ago.
Now, thanks to all the years of research and selective breeding,
hopefully, they can regain their proper place in our society
to teach man to stay in touch with his natural instincts and
the beauty around him.
HEAD: In proportion to the body. The muzzle is wedge-shaped
and moderately long to provide balance to the longish pricked
ears. The stop is gentle, providing a flowing curve from the
plane to the muzzle to the top of the skull. The skull is slightly
domed between the ears.
EYES: Medium sized and almond shaped.
Pale Yellow or Pale Blue with the occasional amber, with the
lighter color preferred. The eyes have an intelligent faraway
look. Eyelids: close fitting and black.
Moderately long and wide set. They tilt slightly forward on
the head, and are firmly pricked. Triangular in shape and well
furred. There is a slight dome on the skull between the ears.
The ears are very mobile.
NOSE: Medium sized, black in color, with the liver color
accepted on certain colors.
Thin and black. The lips fit closely over the teeth showing
no excess flesh.
Scissor bite only. Full and sound dentition required.
Medium length and strong. A good-sized ruff is present, but
should not detract from the clean, trim appearance.
Back straight and slightly longer then tall. Loins are strong
with a good distance between last rib and hip. Chest is deep,
but not broad. Good tuck-up.
Forelegs slightly turned out and finely boned. Good musculature
with closely set withers and good lay back of shoulders. The
front pastern slopes slightly when viewed from the side.
Rear legs are long, & very angular, almost to the point
of being sickle hocked, and well muscled. The back slopes slightly
into the croup. Hocks well defined and parallel. Rear dewclaws
should not be evident in Indian Dogs, but should be removed
if present.
FEET: Small and cat like. Rounded with thick pads. Toes
are close and well arched. Nails are short and thick.
TAIL: Long and reaching to the hock. Carried down with
slight curve. May be held up when showing dominance, or straight
out when running, but never curled forward past the perpendicular.
COAT: Medium length and shiny. Short thick plush undercoat
with long guard hairs that stand off from body. Hair is longer
on the chest, ruff, shoulders, back of legs, and tail.
& MARKINGS: Black, blue, white, golden red, gray, red
& tan, tan, chocolate, cream, fawn, and silver. All colors
have a sable shading with darker tipped guard hairs. All colors
blend gently together, with very little spotting or defined
line between colors. The tail has a dark scent marking (spot)
¾ up from tip. Some white on the chest, feet, caller
and tip of the tail is accepted.
Height: Dogs 19” to 21” Bitches 18” to 20”
- Weight: Dogs 30lb.s to 45lb.s Bitches 25lb.s to 40lb.s
Effortless flowing movement. Covers distances quickly and easily.
Ability to change gaits with flowing ease, built for speed,
endurance and agility. Can turn quickly or spring straight up
in the air instantly. Cat like agility.
10 |
Forequarters |
10 |
and Movement |
10 |
and Legs |
10 |
10 |
Body |
10 |
Head |
15 |
Coat |
5 |
Tail |
5 |
Appearance & Balance |
15 |
Any deviation from the above standard should be faulted to the
degree it varies from the ideal. Any deviation detracting from
the overall natural balance of the dog and/or its working ability
should be severely faulted.
4/7/78 Revised 1/1/91