The Buffalo
was the primary source of life to the plain’s Indian people. The
animal provided for nearly all of their needs.
Meat, hides, bones, fat, hooves, horns, fur, and organs,
provided the people with everyday tools, and clothing, shelter,
weapons, utensils, and fuel. They were crucial to the survival
for the nomadic tribes of the American west.
The Indian people believed that they were descended from
the Buffalo, and referred to him as “Brother”.
The religious beliefs of the Plains tribes were all based
around the presence of the Buffalo.
The Buffalo was believed to be a gift of the Great Spirit,
and sent to them as a means for their survival. And represents
the entire four legged family of creatures. Without the Buffalo,
there would have been no chance of survival.
A fact quickly discovered by the army, settler’s, and other’s
intent on taking the Indian's land, and exterminating them from
the plains.
Out of the
previous millions of animals, only a handful remained after the
European onslaught nearly wiped them from the earth.
Fortunately, they have returned, and no longer face extinction.
In giving some insight to the relevance of these special
white creatures, please understand that being born white in color
is viewed as a very sacred sign that ancient Indian prophecies
have come true in the eyes of many traditional Native Americans.
These white four leggeds are messengers from the Creator telling
us that he is among us, and that our prayers are being heard.
In order to understand these things, you must understand
how all of these things are connected.
All of this is interconnected, and all things are connected
to each other and form a complete picture. It has been told for
generations that when the white buffalo calf returns, the Native
American people will be healed as a people, and the wrongs committed
against them for countless generations will be righted.
We will be strong and the land we now call America will
be given back to the Indian people as the original caretakers
and inhabitants of the North American continent.
These holy
creatures are signs that the sacred hoop of the Indian people,
once virtually destroyed, is now being healed and is becoming
complete once again. Many have heard the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman.
The mysterious holy woman who first visited the Lakota people
and gave them the gift of the sacred buffalo calf pipe and the
sacred rites that still govern Lakota spiritual belief. As well
as the spiritual beliefs of many other Native peoples who now
know and follow the sacred ways of the pipe. The most famous calf in recent times, a white calf named
Miracle was born in 1997 on a farm in Wisconsin. She has been
visited by hundreds of Native Americans, and their spiritual leaders,
and many non- natives, hoping to just get a glimpse of her. It
is believed that prayers offered to her will be answered much
in the same way, as Christians believe prayers offered to the
Virgin Mary will be answered.
According to the oral traditions of the Lakota people,
there have only been a total of nine of these sacred white buffalo
calves ever born. Their births are becoming closer together, which to some indicates
drastic changes in the world we know. Recent events in the U.S. would indicate that there is much
truth in these prophecies.
Thanks to Pat Cummins for writing these great words on the