American Indian Dog©
Dog Kennels
Native American Breed has been on several educational TV programs
throughout the world…”Living With Animals”, “The Today Show”, Western
Lifestyles”, and several local news channels, etc., and we are planning
a documentary soon. There have also been hundreds of articles and
books through the years written about this breed. Now, with the
movement to have the breed become our National Dog, this can be
both positive and negative for this rare “on the edge” type of breed.
We want to share, educate and repopulate this genetically healthy
and mentally sound special American Indian Dog breed. Through popularity
and politics, most of the Popular big name breeds in big name registries
destroy each breed as they become. We want the American Indian Dog
breed to stay, as they were -- The Ultimate Mutt. If you are not
willing to accept them for what they are, or are intent on improving
them just to make them more popular, PLEASE don’t consider this
breed. The American Indian Dog was never intended to be “little
carbon copies” prancing around in a ring. You might be more interested
in one of the more “politically correct” and “popular” A.K.C. type
of breeds. Again I would like to state: This BREED Is Not For Everyone.
it is very loyal and trainable, capable of learning as much as
the owner (alpha pack leader) is capable of teaching it. It is
a high-energy, primitive type-working breed that needs “TOUGH
LOVE” and a job to do, to feel it has a responsible place in the
family group or pack. As this breed becomes more and more well
known, we need more and more education to stop the “Puppy Mill”
type, “Wolf” and/or “Coyote” hybrid breeders from trying to market
their hybrids as American Indian Dogs. THIS IS FALSE ADVERTISEMENT
and just because they may look somewhat alike, THEY ARE NOT at
all the same. People need to know what they are getting. Most
hybrids end up passed from one home to another or put down. Please
be sure you get a REGISTERED AMERICAN INDIAN DOG. Ask for the
breeders number, the litter number and check with us at the Registry
before you purchase. Every American Indian Dog Breeder has to
be CERTIFIED through the Registry to breed true American Indian
Dogs. If you’re looking for a HYBRID, I can recommend responsible
HYBRID breeders that will tell you that what they breed are HYBRIDS.
Please enjoy the following research and information. I hope it
will help people to understand what a true Native American Indian
Dog is and the 1,000’s and 1,000’s of years of domestication and
selective breeding it took to create and still have this primitive
breed for modern man to enjoy. Through education and knowledge,
maybe we can, for the first time, both save a breed from exploitation
from the look alike PUPPY MILL HYBRID BREEDERS.
La Flamme, Founder/Trustee of the American Indian Dog Registry
and president of the International Indian Dog Owners and Breeders
The Registry
now has approximately 450 dogs in the studbook at this time.
A couple
of American Indian Dog owners belong to people involved in the
Native American Rights organizations. Their work is dedicated
to preserving and protecting the resting places of our Ancestors.
Being Native Americans, and also A.I.D. owners, they understand
that the study of the skeletal remains of the ancient dog has
been vital in understanding the history, and evolution of these
unique and culturally important animals. Although I absolutely
do not support the desecration of Native American burial sites,
a great deal of scientific knowledge has been gained about the
ancient Indian dogs by examination of their skeletal remains found
at these sites. At thousands of places across the U.S., many graves
contain not only the remains of Native people, but with them,
the forefathers of today's modern American Indian Dogs. These
animals were obviously highly regarded by the deceased, and were
sacrificed in order to accompany them on their journey to the
Spirit World. We understand better now, that the American Indian
Dog was held in great respect as a vital part of daily life and
crucial to survival for the ancient Native Americans. Without
these examples of remains to compare to, the knowledge of the
breed, and the genetic DNA markers could have been lost forever!
around the world stay in touch via the Internet about their American
Indian Dogs, with a members only e-group sharing advise, research,
training tips, and “lots of bragging!”