dogs do sleep with us and have to be very close -- most of the
Shadow, our female is up against one of our backs. Willie sleeps
close but
doesn't have to touch like Shadow.
They will take themselves out of a room for their own time
but come to check
to make sure we're there.
We too worked full time but we walked the dogs before work
and early evening. Our neighbors tease us that we don't get
"time off." But the exercise is just as good for us!
When we worked, the "kids" slept most of the time
but I believe they can actually tell time. They would be downstairs
in my husband's shop waiting by the door when they knew it was
time for us to be home. They really are very incredible animals.
They are like no dog you have ever owned -- they are very special.
We don't support our animals being boarded out and don't feel
comfortable with anyone being in our home and the dogs are wonderful
travelers. Willie traveled from Michigan to Kim's ranch in Oregon
to pick up Shadow and loves to travel. We stop often to stretch
and walk the dogs when we travel so that has never been a problem.
Believe it or not, Willie will actually pick up his empty
water dish when riding and bring it to the front to let us know
he wants a drink!!!
There are many hotel/motels that welcome pets so that's not
a problem
As far as checking and touching, yes they will come up, touch
you and go back to whatever it was they were doing.
As far as closing the door to shower, sure you can do that
because they know you're in there and are coming out! If Larry
is working at his desk, Willie will sit under the desk and relax.
If we're on the computer, they will lay under the computer desk
-- just to be near.
They're fine if you're outside and they're inside for a while
-- the key word there is "for a while." Willie has
figured out how to scoot out the door before it closes so he
can be out in the yard too!!
They are extremely agile. If they thought about it long enough,
they would realize that they could leap over the fence and we
have a five foot fence!! That's how agile they are. They are
extremely fast!
They get along great with children. We have three grandchildren,
one of which is just 5 weeks old. They were introduced to all
of them when the kids were tiny and the dogs are extremely gentle
with them. Willie likes to have his feet and legs massaged.
If you sit down on the couch, he'll come over and give you his
foot and knows enough to switch to get both done! I know you
might think this could be a bunch of hogwash -- dogs just don't
behave like this but this is the truth. They are very very special
and unique.
Even before we retired, we spent a lot of time with our dogs.
These animals "just know" they are loved and are included
in our everyday life with everything we do. We are leaving to
take a ride to Texas and the minute they see our suitcases as
well as theirs, they know they are going for a ride.
Again, they are a very unique animal and the experience of
having them in our family has been and continues to be wonderful.
Kim asked Larry to take Willie to New York to be on the Today
Show a couple of years ago and the animal psychologist that
interviewed them could not believe how special and unique the
breed was and how well behaved he was.
Some of the other members of our group will also address some
of your questions. Like I've said many times, this breed is
not for everyone but I wouldn't be without them. Their life
expectancy is longer than the "normal" dog and that
is wonderful! They might outlive us!!!!!!
Hope this isn't too confusing or overwhelming for you. I just
think you should be aware of all aspects of the breed. Kim has
done a remarkable job with this breed and I know for sure I
speak on behalf of all of us when we thank him. Without his
dedication and love of the animals, the AID would not be!! Saving
this breed has been his life -- and he has performed it well!!!
See what happens when you ask just a simple question -- it
causes us to give a lengthy answer!!!
Larry & Judy Germane,
Mich.area A.I.Dog Rep.