
Hi Kim,
Happy New Year! Okiha and all my other 4-leggeds
are hale and hearty. The Winter doesnt seem to bother
I wanted to share some things about Okiha. I dont
know if they are typical of the breed so I thought to tell you,
and maybe you can share your insights:
Okiha is high energy, extremely enthusiastic,
very affectionate, and doesnt have a mean bone in his
body (thats ok, its the owner people have to watch
out for!). He seems impervious to the cold. When its 20 below
and blowing hard, I go out with him to feed and he wants to
play fetch with the corral ball. If the temperature is above
40 degrees, Okiha likes to cool off by jumping in the water
trough periodically. When I go inside, he wants to stay out
and play with his donkey a while. They play chase
games, tug of war with dog toys, and have learned each others
language really well. When the little donkey brays, Okiha throws
back his head and sings, and when the donkey rolls, Okiha does
too. If Okiha is too enthusiastic, the donkey grabs him by the
collar and throws him to the ground. Okiha sticks his legs up
in the air, and looks away in submission, and the donkey lets
him get up (certainly this is not donkey language). A minute
later they are playing with the corral toys together. Every
morning Okiha goes to greet my horse, who gently grooms him
on one side, nudges him to turn, then goes down the other side.
Okiha stands very still for this. Okihas hackles run the
entire length of his back. This is evident whenever snowmobiles
go by (I think the engine noise bothers his ears). His appetite
is good, but food seems to come after everything else. Due to
his activity level, I have to feed him Performance
grade dog food to keep him in good weight. He does well on Iams
High Performance (28% protein) and a regular worming schedule.
His coat and muscle tone are excellent. At about a year old,
Okihass eyes changed from silver to a very light gold.
He is quite a natural hunter. I found the head, ears and some
of the fur of an unfortunate cottontail rabbit who somehow got
past the fence (this was swiftly followed by a special and rather
expensive worming medication to prevent tapeworm, which is very
prevalent in the local rabbit population). The starling flock
has gone from 21 to 14 is the past several months. He doesnt
seem interested in the chickadees, and is happy to share his
food with the local ravens and magpies (who are very large and
healthy due to his generosity). Watching him stalk the starlings
is fascinating. Slow motion doesnt begin to describe his
technique, and those birds dont stand a chance when he
takes a notion to add one to his diet. Hes also very quick.
My goddaughter plays forward in soccer, and brings her ball
when she comes to visit. He would be a world-class goalie. It
is almost impossible for her to get the ball past him. Despite
his high-energy outdoors, Okiha is very calm and well-behaved
in the house and at the office. As you predicted, he does want
to lick everyone. He understands a large human vocabulary, and
is extremely comforting to my severely mentally ill patients.
If I go to my Kremmling office without him, the first words
out of everyones mouths are not Hi, how are you?
but Wheres Okiha?. He loves to chew a huge
Nylabone in the evenings. Im glad, because it keeps his
teeth clean. It seems this is always what he does right before
going to sleep for the night. His jaw strength is amazing. If
I get the one for hard chewers it lasts about 3
months. Okiha is very aware of whats on TV. When a horse
or donkey appears he demands to go outside and check on his
friends. He is very attentive to programs on dogs, and likes
to watch the Professional Bull Riders with me. If I am really
insistent, he will stay at a down when I leave the room, but
he really prefers to be with me. When we went on a hike with
my goddaughter (a small 12-year old) he never left her side.
Needless to say, I carry him in my heart always.
He is possessed of extraordinary heart and spirit.
I hope the New Year finds everyone at your place
happy and healthy
Susan M. Whitefeather, Ph.D.
Colorado Licensed Professional Counselor #55
and ahiga netherlands
dear kim , here a letter to thank you. For your believe in wendy
and els.And send them the number for shawnee. Here some more
pictures of her . she is a fine dog . So fine that we wanted
a second dog. And that's ahiga . The decicion to want a second
dog in the house is one of the best in my live. Now I do believe
this is the best thing for a Indian Dog . They need company
of another indian dog. For there mental health is that so much
better. For us more work but for them more pleasure and more
pleasure for the kids. Special ahiga he is great with kids.
And shawnee learns this also from him . She is doing better
with kids. She saw my oldest kid as a threath . I think it comes
because shawnee was six months when my daughter was born. But
now she sees that ahiga realy likes the kid and accept her ,
she also accept her. But the special clic he has with her !
Shawnee will never has that with her. But that is not important.
Shawnee has that with my yongest daughter. Each dog has a special
member in the household that they like So it's going very well
over here. p.s. Ahiga is a real song dog each time the churchbells
are going off, he starts to cry like a wolf. Like to hear something
frome you.
greatings John and Sonja.
ps: Keep up the good work.
Dear Kim,
It is a sacred honor to be apart of the American Indian Dog
lineage. They have an innate, natural quality that I have never
felt from any other breed. All three have very distict, magical
qualties. They all full of love, great with people, protectful
of my property, and easily trainable. They are everything and
more that you have said they are . . . It is truly a privelege
to have them as companions. Thank you for your pioneering work
to preserve a breed that hasn't had the innate wisdom bred out
it. I am sure that many, many people will discover the magic
of these dogs in the years to come, and be blessed by their
healing presence. I am looking foward to my future journey with
these 'spirit dogs'.
I took a look at that Northern lines. Suzy and I are open to
whatever you decide. We would like a fourth pup whenever possible
I look foward to seeing how the Great Spirit will keep your
journey with the spirit dogs alive.
Your Fellow Wayfarer,
Johnny in NY
We still can find remnants of the old dogs even today"
- Kim
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Smyth
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:23 PM
Subject: indian dog
Hi, I recently adopted a dog we found in real poor shape while
we were visiting navajo land. we've been wondering about his heritage
and seeing your has answered some questions.He's a beautiful dog,
moreso after we got the 100 or so cockleburs out of his coat,alot
of juniper sap ,and many dreadlocks. He's got an amazing coat
with long hair and wool like undercoat. He was about 30 lbs or
so just skin and bones, no energy , but very sweet. We named him
Chinle and brought him home to Nor Cal. Its really been something
getting to know this incrredible guy.I've never known a dog like
him. He's so aware and seems like some special sort of being.
I'm happy to report after about a month with Chinle he weighs
about50 lbs. and is a different dog from the pittiful guy we saw
in Az. I'm interested in knowing more about Chinle,
especially anything on relating and communicating with him. Like
I said He's not like other dogs and traditional training methods
seem lost on him.His intelligence and interest in what is going
on is very apparent. I'm hopeful.He has come a long way already.
Thankyou for reading my email. peace to you- Andy
I think Kim is the only one who knows my story and
how I picked Nakota
as my new breed of dog.
She has been with me for ten days and listen to this miracle
My parents live one mile from me and have helped take care of
my dogs in
the past. After losing my three year old Golden to cancer, we
afraid to get another dog until I read about Kim and his AI Dogs.
My Dad has been severely disabled from cancer treatments for
a long
time. Mom has recently undergone heart and stroke problems so
I had
mixed feelings about the pup
BUT>>>>>> On the day Nakota arrived, they anxiously
awaited for my
return from DC with her.
Keep in mind that my Dad has barely left his chair in months.
He sits
and demands attention and gets very bossy and nasty. In comes
and he is down on his knees on the floor peering into her crate
talking to her. In this short ten days, he has been getting dressed
every day (a miracle), sitting outside, visiting his neighbors,
and has
decided to do dishes and run the vacuum cleaner, all because of
little girl that Kim picked for us.
I will always be greatful for Kim, his program, and Nakota Blue.
Dad, by the way, is 80 years old.
Thank You again, Kim, for your insight and knowing just what
to do even
though I fought you on it.
And thanks to all of you who have welcomed me.
Marty Mumma
Hi, those pictures are so cute! I remember going
to Kim's, and seeing Luna
for the first time. We got her at 8 weeks. Now she's 7 months. Time
goes by
fast! When did you first find out about A.I.D,s? I saw them in a
and fell in love with the pic of the puppies! Luna is a real sweety,
she still has her puppy moments! Right now she's at, What was I
not suppose
to do? So she's testing us just like a kid! Her behavior and personality
not like the other dogs I've had. Which makes it really interesting.
at times,but thats alright. People's reaction to her is interesting.
can't figure her out. Most get the coyote or Dingo. Wolf, fox. A
cop in a
car stopped me and asked if she had Jackal in her. He kept asking
me all the
questions about her He thought she was great. So, be prepared for
Take care Jeannie and Luna |